My mother is doing a chocolate tasting at her church next week. In addition to all of the wonderful chocolate sweets that come to mind, she wanted to make some savory dishes, too. I was asked to make some
mole sauce from this book:
The title of this refers to red sauce, or green sauce, as in chiles. My answer is usually,"yes", when they ask, "red or green?"though I digress.
I've had mole before, and love it, but haven't tried making it for myself. The ingredients are all pretty readily available, and I had everything in my pantry, except for corn tortillas.

I opted to saute' the onions a little bit, first, as the recipe said to put all these ingredients in a blender/food processor and puree. After softening the onion, I put everything in the food processor along with a couple of paste tomatoes that I had canned. (The recipe called for a large tomato, cubed). Putting this back in the pan, along with some red chile powder, flour, cinnamon, cloves, and some chicken broth, it was brought to a boil, and then simmered. At this point, it looked a little like chocolate sauce, or maybe thick, brown gravy. Sure didn't taste like it, though! Also had a little kick at the end.
I also experimented a bit with how much chicken to make. She is not sure how many people to expect, so I wanted to come up with how much shredded chicken to expect per pount. I had two packages of chicken breasts, that were about 2 lb. each. These, in addition to 2 cups of fresh salsa, baked on 250 degrees for about 3 1/2 hours, netted 8 cups of shredded chicken.

Pardon the mess on the plate, the guys were standing by when I plated this, to provide feedback on a taste test.
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